The Tides are Changing

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The main constant in this life is that things are always changing.

Things are always changing, aren’t they? Whether it’s the seasons, the moods, the expectations, the tides, the goals, and so on….

Maybe we are changing too. If you’ve visited this site in the past, maybe you’re no longer the same person you were back then, even if just a few days or weeks have passed.

When I was a child, I often had a peculiar experience. If I hadn’t seen someone in a year or two years, I would feel like I had changed so much, and I felt strange that this person may try to relate and get along with a prior me rather than the actual me.

Perhaps my inner world was unfolding and developing quite fast, and my physical growth could not match it. Anyone can tell that a child has grown in a year or two, but who can witness or comprehend the mental changes that have happened?

We are always changing, and hopefully, for the better. For example, we are always learning new things. You can learn facts from books, or you can gain experience and learn things firsthand. You may learn about the people around you. Due to your experiences, you may even learn about yourself. And those new things that you learn may cause you to change your direction or goals in life.

Beyond just learning, of course, we are always exposed to changes: the weather, the time, the people around us coming and going, our life goals, travels, new jobs, new relationships, etc.

What do you think about change?

When you sense that everything around you is moving in a new direction, do you assume that this is bad? Is that your natural reaction? Or is your reaction that you want to change too, to move along with the tides of change.

To you, is it more important that you follow the changes happening around you in the real world or that you pay attention to any inner changes happening within you? Are some changes trivial to you, and others more important?

As humans, we want to exercise great control – over ourselves, each other, even the planet, and perhaps the stars and galaxies one day. However, it seems that everything comes and goes. We may be visitors here to enjoy and experience what we can. That is the nature of change.

On a cosmic scale, who knows whether we will adapt to the changes or create our own changes in a way that benefits us, or we may ultimately fail in some way, and then things will keep on changing without us.

Life is about change when you think of it. If things stayed the same, then time would freeze, and nothing would move.

Whether we flow with the changes happily, deal with them and adapt to them, ignore them and go in our own direction, or resist them, we are here because things keep changing, and we will be gone because things keep changing.

Whether a change is good or bad, it keeps things moving along. What is old goes away, and something new comes in its place.

Change prevails at the end of the day, with or without our acceptance or desire for it.

Today I wonder: Are we the product of change, the cause of change, the beneficiaries of change, or the victims of it, and is this something we will choose for ourselves? What do you choose?



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