Looking Forward to It

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We should have something to look forward to every day. Today is just an ordinary day for me, and so I thought this would be a good day to think up what I am looking forward to. The point is not to consider things I may look forward to for next week or next month – it should be for today.

Having something to look forward to makes the day better, more fulfilling, you feel more energized, and you get more done. The benefits are endless, so this is worth doing daily, or at least periodically. Also, if you struggle to come up with anything to look forward to, it is a sign that you should make some changes in your life.

I want you to consider what you are looking forward to today. Perhaps seeing my list below will help you to come up with some ideas.


I am looking forward to listening to music while I work

I have always enjoyed listening to a wide range of music, and this is something that I like to do when I am working. I usually put the volume low so that it does not disrupt my focus. Today I am listening to Kimbra’s album “Vows.” Many people may not be aware, but I have quite an eclectic taste in music. I find something enjoyable from almost every genre.


I am looking forward to picking up my wife from work.

The ride home is only about 10 minutes, but it feels great to see her so that we can spend the evening together. On the ride, we often discuss problems that came up during the day, either with my work or with hers, but this is our way of staying caught up on each other’s lives. Sometimes we also  discuss things we are looking forward to doing. Our topics of discussion tend to vary widely, but I suppose that’s something that we enjoy about each other’s company.


I am looking forward to writing today’s post.

This is a bit of a cheat, since I’m literally writing it right now. But this morning when I was getting ready for work, I was looking forward to writing the day’s post. I don’t have a specific plan for every post. Usually I just come up with an idea that I find important and want to discuss with you, and then I write it. I enjoy writing, thinking, sharing, and exploring new ideas, so of course I usually look forward to writing my post for the day.

By the way, I also look forward to hearing what you think about today’s post, if you would like to comment on it below.


I look forward to hearing from friends or family

A close friend of mine who is living in Paris now just connected with me on social media and sent me a message, so I was quite happy with this. These small ways to stay connected truly make a difference in my life. I have learned that it is important to stay connected with friends and to make the effort to maintain important relationships in our lives.

Some of the most frequent people I connect with, aside from my wife who I live with, are my Mom, my brother, Arthur (friend who has commented on the site many times), Dave (friend and co-author of Question Yourself), my readers of course, and a variety of other family and friends. I usually don’t know who will contact me, but I am honored to have enough close connections that on most days, someone will connect with me.


I look forward to the unexpected.

Most of my day is planned out. I know what I will do and when, and what my goals are. However, I have learned to look forward to the unexpected. Sometimes this brings something pleasant, and sometimes it is just an obstacle.

Even when new obstacles seem overbearing, they are actually manageable if we keep a calm head and evaluate our options.

As most of my day is ordered, I actually look forward to something new that will come my way that I didn’t see coming. Often, this will be my day’s challenge, and I am not someone who will shy away from this.

A tip I recommend is allowing some blank space (or time where nothing is scheduled) in your day so that when something unexpected happens, you actually expect it and can deal with it more smoothly.

Enough about me – Get a piece of paper and fill in the blank – Today, I am looking forward to: _________________

(Or of course, let me know in the comments below if you would like.)


Don’t Forget the Fundamentals


Who is Helping You? (Don’t Be Afraid to Get Help)