Celebrate the Milestones & Little Achievements
For the ambitious and hardworking, sometimes we can meet a personal milestone and forget to celebrate it. Perhaps a party is unnecessary, but it can be worthwhile to at least acknowledge a significant moment. I am fairly diligent, so my celebrations are usually minor – simply acknowledging the accomplishment to a few close family members and friends is enough for me. Then I get back to work. Well, sometimes I may enjoy sharing a bottle of Champagne.
Moving along, to me, a milestone is simply meeting many little goals that have culminated into something bigger. Or, if you prefer, it means accomplishing a grand goal.
My Milestone: 100,000 Words
Today I have met a milestone of my own.
I have written 100,000 words for this blog. The longest book I ever published was about 70,000 words – 7 Thoughts to Live Your Life By, so 100,000 is certainly a milestone. And I only started this site just 3 months ago (on September 9th). In reality, I had written some of these words before beginning the site, but this is still a major accomplishment for me.
Little Achievements
In light of this accomplishment, I would like to point out some other little achievements that came along with this:
My friend Arthur has commented on most of my posts, which I think adds great value – heed his comments carefully, as there is great depth in his soul.
I have received several messages through my Contact page – usually, they were for opportunities to collaborate.
I have received numerous comments from friends and readers telling me that they found the blog helpful. Some of the comments have used these words: deep, philosophical, practical, interesting, wise, inspiring, motivating. One reader mentioned “Kafka flavor” – in regards to my post on The Paradox of the Model Citizen, and another reader said it was “a blessing” regarding How to Make a Decision, which I wrote as a response to her question.
My writing and thinking are improving – After writing 100,000 words, and reflecting on thinking, and thinking about thinking, I sense more clarity in my Thoughts. I can more efficiently know what I think, why I think it, and provide supporting points.
The blog readership has been growing slowly but steadily. Some readers are beginning to find the site through search engines, so this helps. The more, the merrier!
Thank You
Thank you to everyone who has contributed, shared this site with friends, supported me, or given me some kind words about the site. Also, this site is still fairly new and small, so every reader matters to me.
Thank you for reading - It makes me very happy just to be able to help
Don’t worry. The journey is just beginning.
Future Plans
I am glad for the progress I have made on I. C. Robledo’s Thoughts, but I sense that it is time to change gears. From here on, I plan to post weekly instead of daily. This will continue into 2021.
The reason for this is that I need to open up time in my schedule to:
Wrap up many projects before the end of the year - publishing some book translations, reviewing audiobooks that I am having narrated, setting up some book promotions, fine-tuning business plans, and so on
Continue to post high-quality content – at this stage, I need to take more time to properly develop my Thoughts since I hope to explore something new with each post
Pursue new experiences, perform my own life experiments, and learn new information - which will help me to produce more insightful Thoughts
Focus on writing books – I would like to write two new books per year and at the highest level of quality that I can
Promote I. C. Robledo’s Thoughts – at this point, I would like to expand my readership. I am working hard to explore valuable Thoughts, so it would be nice to get more people tuning in
The bottom line is I plan to post less often, but I believe doing this will actually help me to improve the site and also help me stay on schedule with writing new books and tackling multiple projects.
Acknowledge and Celebrate Your Milestones
Enough about me. Let’s go back to you.
I want to encourage you to acknowledge and celebrate your milestones. Don’t allow them to slip by unnoticed. There is no need to brag obnoxiously, of course. But if you accomplish something big in your life, you deserve to be able to stop for a moment, take a breath, and appreciate what you have been able to do.
When we neglect our milestones, we can easily get lost in just doing and doing, with little reflection on why this even matters. When you celebrate a milestone, you give yourself a moment to reflect on what this truly means to you.
If you find that your milestone was meaningless – that you only did it for the praise, or it turned out that someone else stole the glory for your hard work, then you can learn that perhaps you need to change something in your life. In such cases, perhaps you need to reconsider your purpose and your life goals.
Questions to Explore
What is the most recent milestone you achieved?
Or what milestone are you close to achieving?
Are there some little achievements worth noting?
What does this mean to you?
What Do You Think?
Do you have any thoughts about my new planned change to start posting once per week, instead of five times per week? Please feel free to let me know. As always, you can comment below, or you can use my Contact page.
Also, if you have any general thoughts about the site, this would be a good time to let me know. I always welcome any feedback.
I will aim to continue to improve the site and offer more great Thoughts in the future.